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Principal Newsletter
Hawkeye News
January 2019

HawkeyeNews (PDF to print)

Welcome back from a long winter break and welcome to 2019! This is the time of year when winter takes a toll on school attendance. Snow and slushy weather can sometimes keep parents from getting their children to school. So can the colds, fevers and earaches that often come with the winter months.

These absences, even if they are excused, can add up to academic trouble. Students miss out on learning if they aren’t in class and we want every child to be actively engaged in learning. There’s not much we can do about the weather, but there are two key steps every family can take to help avoid absences this year.

  1. Develop back up plans for getting your children to school in winter weather. That could mean checking with other families who have a car that can manage in the snow or forming a “walking school bus” to walk your children to school with other parents. If you’re stuck, call the school. We can connect you with other parents or staff members who can help.
  2. Keep your children healthy.Dress them warmly for the cold weather and make sure they’ve got hats and gloves. Encourage them to wash their hands regularly, and send them to school with a bottle of hand sanitizer. If your children do get sick, talk to a doctor or the school nurse about whether they should come to school and when it is okay for them to return.

Above all, let us know how we can help. We want your children and all our students to succeed, and that means attending school every day possible.

Reading Buddies After School Program

Did you know that Hayden Peak offers a Reading Buddies program after school on Wednesday afternoons? Students from Copper Hills High, West Hills Middle, and Hayden Peak Elementary volunteer to read with our students here at Hayden Peak. This program has been a huge success and we are grateful to all those who volunteer in this effort. If you are interested in volunteering or having your child participate in the Reading Buddies please contact the office.

David Butler, Principal

Theresa Christensen, Assistant Principal

Welcome Back Hayden Peak Families!
Please mark your calendars for the events happening at school in January!
1st - Happy New Year!
2nd - School Resumes
8th - PTA Board Meeting 8:45 a.m.
14th - No School – Grade Transmittal
17th - 2nd grade Field Trip to the Aquarium
21st - No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
25th - School Community Council 7:30 a.m.
25th - Leadership Luncheon 10: 45 a.m.
Click on the link to print a copy of the Calendar of Events

Hawkeye News
Hayden Peak Elementary
December 2018

HawkeyeNews (PDF to print)

As we begin our holiday season, we are grateful for the students, families, faculty and staff at Hayden Peak Elementary! We are truly blessed to be a part of this amazing community. Have a safe and joyous holiday season!

Boundary Update and Permits for 2019-20
The Jordan School District Board of Education has determined that the boundaries for Hayden Peak Elementary will remain the same for the 2019-20 school year. The Board of Education has also made changes to our school choice permit process. As part of this change, all Jordan District schools are required to revoke permits to 90% of school capacity. At Hayden Peak there will be approximately 85 permits revoked for the 2019-20 school year. Families have been notified if their permits have been revoked. Those families wishing to attend Hayden Peak on permit for the 2019-20 school year will need to apply online for a permit.

If you would like to request a permit for your child to attend a school other than their boundary school, please click the link below.

As a reminder, permit applications submitted during the month of December will not be approved on a first-come, first-served basis but will be approved according to the Board priorities, which are posted at

SPOTLIGHT! After School Activities

Hayden Peak Elementary offers many opportunities for our students to expand and share their talents in after school programs. Over the next few months, we will spotlight each of the programs and how your child can participate. This month we are spotlighting the DANCE CLUB.

The dance club provides an opportunity for your student to learn different dances, cooperation, and teamwork. They meet twice a month on Thursday afternoons after school for 30 minutes. Please contact the school for more information on how your student can participate.

We wish you all a joyous holiday.

David Butler                            Theresa Christensen
Principal                                   Assistant Principal


As we head into the winter weather season, we’d like to remind everyone about District procedures and guidelines regarding snow closures or delays.

  • Schools in Jordan School District will remain open, if at all possible, on all scheduled school days, even in winter weather conditions.
  • You will only be notified if there is a delayed start or if school is closed or cancelled. No notification means school is open.
  • School closure or delayed start information will always be posted no later than 6:30 a.m. on the Jordan School District website at, through social media, and local news outlets.
  • Please know that parents may decide to keep children home due to adverse weather conditions. Schools understand and respect this decision and will work with families.

Full Emergency Communications & Snow Closure Guidelines can be found at