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For field day to be a success, we are still in need of 10 more volunteers from 12:30pm to 3:00pm on May 31st.  If you're able to come support the students with this PTA event, please use the sign up link below.

Thank you so much!

Para que el día de campo sea un éxito, todavía necesitamos 10 voluntarios más de 12:30 p. m. a 3:00 p. m. el 31 de mayo. Si puede venir a apoyar a los estudiantes con este evento de la PTA, use el enlace de registro a continuación. go/9040948AFA62DA7FB6-hayden

¡Muchas gracias!

Hayden Peak PTA would like you to join us in celebrating

Turn Off the TV & Screen Free Week

May 1-May 7, 2023

Turn Off the TV & Screen Free Week is so that we can look the role that TV/screens play in our daily lives as an entertainer, pacifier, babysitter, time filler and background noise.

Television & screens are generally a passive "non-activity" which often detracts from more healthy, interpersonal, productive, rewarding and community-oriented activities.

Turn Off the TV & Screen Free Week is about having more fun outside of screens and turning "on" your life. It's an opportunity to rediscover the wide range of activities that exist when one unplugs from the sedentary, image-based, simplistic and commercial world of television, computers, and other electronic devices.

During this week we would like to encourage you to turn off your TV & screens.

If your student would like to participate, have them watch less TV & have less screen time this week.  Ideally, we would encourage them to turn off the TV & screens completely.  If they do turn off the TV & screens (or watch at least 50% less than normal for that child), have them bring the signed pledge back to school by Monday, May 8th.

Thank You – Hayden Peak PTA, Family Life Commission



Mark your calendars for the PTA Family Skate Night on Monday, April 17th from 5:30 until 8:30pm at the Classic Fun Center at 9151 S. 255 W. in Sandy, UT.

Skate Admission is free and you can bring your own skates or scooters or rent them for $3.00

Students are coming home today with the flyer that has upgrade coupons for additional activities too.

Due to adverse travel conditions and unplowed streets in many areas of the District, along with predictions by the National Weather Service of additional significant snow accumulations throughout the day, Tuesday, April 4, will be a virtual learning day for all students in Jordan School District.

All schools and offices will be closed on Tuesday, April 4. 

There will be no in-person learning in our schools on Tuesday. No meals, no preschool, and no daycare will be provided. Teachers will be available to meet with students virtually between 10 a.m. and noon. Schools will communicate how to best connect with teachers and will share any additional schedule information.

District crews and contracted services will continue to clear snow throughout the day. A decision will be made regarding after-school and extracurricular activities by 1 p.m. on Tuesday.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Student and staff safety is our top priority.

Estimados padres,

Debido a las condiciones de tránsito adversas y las calles sin barrer en muchas áreas del Distrito, junto con las predicciones del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de acumulaciones significativas de nieve adicionales durante el día, El martes 4 de abril será un día de aprendizaje virtual para todos los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Jordan.

Todas las escuelas y oficinas estarán cerradas el martes 4 de abril.

No habrá aprendizaje en persona en nuestras escuelas el martes. No se proporcionarán comidas, preescolar ni guardería. Los maestros estarán disponibles para reunirse con los estudiantes virtualmente entre las 10 am y el mediodía. Las escuelas comunicarán cómo conectarse mejor con los maestros y compartirán cualquier información adicional sobre el horario.

Los equipos del distrito y los servicios contratados continuarán limpiando la nieve durante todo el día. Se tomará una decisión con respecto a las actividades después de la escuela y extracurriculares a la 1 p. m. del martes.