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Hayden Peak is inviting students and/or their families to take pictures of themselves doing service or acts of kindness for others during the month of December and to submit those pictures to our school.  We will make a video to be published soon in January when we return from Winter Break.  Please submit your photos to the following email by January 2, 2021.


There will be no school for online or in-person students this Friday, November 6th.  This is a teacher work day in preparation for the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences.  If you have not yet scheduled a conference with your child's teacher, you can still do so in Skyward.  If you need help scheduling the conference appointment or need your log-in information please feel free to call the office at 801-280-0722.

Meals will still be provided on Friday, November 6, 2020 when traditional elementary schools are not in session.  Lunch and a take-home breakfast will be provided from 11am until 12pm.  Please call the following number by 9am on Friday to order a lunch to be picked up.  The number to call is 801-302-4831.  Students can come to the lunch room door to pick-up their meal.

Because this is a scheduled day off, crossing guards are not scheduled to work at their designated locations. That means crossing guards will not be there to safely cross students for meal service. Therefore, we recommend your students be accompanied by an adult for safety as they walk to and from school for meal service on Friday.

Show your school spirit in support of Red Ribbon Week!

"Your Future is Key, Stay Drug Free"

Tuesday - "Give Drugs the Boot!" - wear your boots: cowboy boots, rain boots, hiking boots, snow boots, etc.

Wednesday - "Don't Get Mixed Up in Drugs" - wear mis-matched clothes and socks

Thursday - "Drugs are Scary!" - wear your Halloween costume to school

Parents: Here is a tool kit from Utah PTA with some ideas on how to talk to your kids about drug prevention and also the importance of connections and family time.

Red Ribbon Week Tool Kit