Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to the Hayden Peak Spring and Shout Dance from 6:30pm until 8:00pm on Monday, April 29th! Food trucks will be there from 6:00pm until 8:00pm!
Category: School News
Spring and Shout Dance! April 29th
Spring Recess
Super Hero Spirit Day! – April 12th
Super Hero Spirit Day on Friday, April 12th. Come dressed as your favorite Super Hero! Also, every Friday we will have School Spirit Day. Dress in a Super Hero shirt, school t-shirt, or school colors (black, navy, and gray).
Hawkeye News – April 2019
Spring is Here!
We are thrilled that the weather is warming up and we are starting to see flowers blooming! With the change, we are all excited to wear our warmer weather clothes. Please review the dress code to ensure your students are dressed appropriately for school. Jordan District policy states, “All students shall wear clean clothing. Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest, e.g., short shorts, mini skirts, bare midriffs, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing. Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs, and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated.”
As the weather warms up, more students are walking and riding their bikes to school. Please be aware of our students to ensure their safety. Please remember to drop off/pick up your students in the designated lane at the front of the school and leave the lane on the west side for kindergarten and daycare. Please remind your children to use the crosswalk to safely cross any street. Children learn best when behavior is modeled for them so we ask that adults also use the crosswalks and not direct their children to run across the street unsafely.
Spring means RISE testing is around the corner. Our 3rd – 6th grade students will begin their state RISE testing on Monday, April 22, 2019 and going through Friday, May 17, 2019. Below are suggestions to assist your student during testing:
- Make sure your child gets an ample, normal amount of sleep the night before the test.
- Mark testing days on your calendar to help remind you and your child when the testing will take place and plan your preparations.
- The student should eat a nutritious and filling breakfast. Avoid high sugar cereals, which can make the student hyper and/or unfocused.
- Set aside time each night prior to the test for several weeks to review the concepts that will be covered.
- Work with teachers to find materials to work on at home in preparation for the test.
- Make sure the student is on time (if not early) on the day of testing.
- Set a backup alarm to avoid the possibility of oversleeping.
Hayden Peak Day of Caring! Save the Date!
We are so fortunate to have the best community and support! Over the last couple of years, we have had the opportunity to participate in Comcast Cares Day and your support has been overwhelming. This year, we will be hosting the Hayden Peak Day of Caring! Ivory Homes has generously donated trees for us to plant. In addition, we will do some weeding and clean up in and around the school. Please mark your calendar for Saturday, May 18, 2019 and plan to volunteer! We look forward to another wonderful day of volunteering, music, and fun!
Click on the link below to print a copy of the current Hawkeye News
April Events at Hayden Peak!
April 2019 - Calendar of Events
Printable copy of the Events Calendar: Calendar-of-Events
1 5th grade Field Trip to Biz Towne
2 PTA Board Meeting 8:45 a.m.
2 6th grade (Banning, Broadhead) - Field Trip to Leonardo Museum
3 6th grade (Norman,Seiter, Smith) - Field Trip to Leonardo Museum
4 3rd grade (Jarman, Peterson) - Field Trip to Red Butte Garden
8 3rd grade (Stowell) - Field Trip to Red Butte Garden
10 Spring Pictures
11 3rd grade (Roberts, Martin) - Field Trip to Red Butte Garden
15-19 Spring Break – No School
22 RISE Summative Testing Begins and goes through May
Please be on time and present every day!
26 Leadership Luncheon
30 Benchmark 3 Achievement Party
Week of April 29 - May 3 - Teacher Appreciation
School Community Council – 3/22/19
2019-2020 Kindergarten Orientation March 22nd at 2pm
2019-2020 Kindergarten Orientation at 2:00pm on March 22nd.
No School – Friday, March 8th
No school on Friday, March 8th for a Parent-Teacher Comp. day.