No school on January 21st in observance ofMartin Luther King Jr. Day.
Category: School News
KSL News Radio Zions Bank Teacher Feature Awarded to Mrs. Smith
KSL News Radio Surprises Hayden Peak Elementary School Teacher
She has a passion for teaching, inspiring students to succeed every day and Cindy Smith says she loves every minute of her time in the classroom. Now this dedicated 6th grade teacher at Hayden Peak Elementary School is being recognized along with other outstanding teachers around the state.
Mrs. Smith has been selected as a recipient of the KSL News Radio Zions Bank Teacher Feature, which awards the best and brightest educators in Utah. Hayden Peak Principal, David Butler, says Mrs. Smith was nominated because she has a gift for teaching and will stop at nothing to make sure her students succeed. Mrs. Smith is known for her hard work on behalf of students and staying after school tutoring whenever needed. This devoted educator, who is also the mother of nine children, says her classroom is like family and there is no place she’d rather be than helping students achieve.
Congratulations, Mrs. Smith! Keep up the great work in education.
Posted on on January 17, 2019
- Cut them out. Make sure the expiration date is legible.
- Please put box tops in an envelope or bag. They should be sorted into groups of 10 or 50.
- Please put your teacher’s name and the total number of box tops on the outside of the envelope or bag.
- Turn in to your teacher or the box by the office.
School Goal = 19,600 Box Tops
The class that turns in the most total box tops by that date wins a pizza party. If we reach our school goal, an additional class will win a different prize.
January 14th – No School
Grade Transmittal Day - No School on Monday, January 14th.
Kindergarten Enrollment for 2019-2020 School Year
January 2019
Dear Parents,
It is important that we obtain an accurate list of all children qualifying for kindergarten in the Jordan School District for the 2019-2020 school year. If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2019, the child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program. State law requires that all school districts in Utah abide by the same September 1st entrance cut-off date. You will be required, before school starts, to bring the child’s immunization record and an original certified birth certificate (not a photocopy) to the school.
Enrollment will begin online on Monday, January 7, 2019.
- Please log on to and scroll down to “New Student Enrollment”.
- Choose either “Temporary Account for New Student Enrollment” if you are new to the district, or “New Student Enrollment” if you already have a Skyward account.
- Fill out the enrollment information. Please enter the child’s full name as it appears on the birth certificate.
- After “Step #4”, be sure to submit the application.
In order to get a preliminary count for the new school year we ask that you please complete the information online by Friday, January 18, 2019.
An informational kindergarten orientation meeting for parents and prospective kindergarten students will be held on Friday, March 22, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in our gym. At this meeting you will receive, among other things, health forms and an immunization form for your doctor to complete.
If you know of a neighbor that has a qualifying kindergarten child, please share this information with them and encourage them to log on and register their kindergarten child.
David Butler
PTA Board Meeting – Jan 8th
PTA Board Meeting will be held on January 8th at 8:45am.
Hawkeye News – January 2019
Principal Newsletter
Hawkeye News
January 2019
HawkeyeNews (PDF to print)
Welcome back from a long winter break and welcome to 2019! This is the time of year when winter takes a toll on school attendance. Snow and slushy weather can sometimes keep parents from getting their children to school. So can the colds, fevers and earaches that often come with the winter months.
These absences, even if they are excused, can add up to academic trouble. Students miss out on learning if they aren’t in class and we want every child to be actively engaged in learning. There’s not much we can do about the weather, but there are two key steps every family can take to help avoid absences this year.
- Develop back up plans for getting your children to school in winter weather. That could mean checking with other families who have a car that can manage in the snow or forming a “walking school bus” to walk your children to school with other parents. If you’re stuck, call the school. We can connect you with other parents or staff members who can help.
- Keep your children healthy.Dress them warmly for the cold weather and make sure they’ve got hats and gloves. Encourage them to wash their hands regularly, and send them to school with a bottle of hand sanitizer. If your children do get sick, talk to a doctor or the school nurse about whether they should come to school and when it is okay for them to return.
Above all, let us know how we can help. We want your children and all our students to succeed, and that means attending school every day possible.
Reading Buddies After School Program
Did you know that Hayden Peak offers a Reading Buddies program after school on Wednesday afternoons? Students from Copper Hills High, West Hills Middle, and Hayden Peak Elementary volunteer to read with our students here at Hayden Peak. This program has been a huge success and we are grateful to all those who volunteer in this effort. If you are interested in volunteering or having your child participate in the Reading Buddies please contact the office.
David Butler, Principal
Theresa Christensen, Assistant Principal
January Events at Hayden Peak
Pajama Day – Dec. 21st
Wear your favorite, warm, comfy pajamas to school on Friday, Dec. 21st
Winter Recess
Winter Recess begins on December 24th and goes until January 1st, 2019. School will resume on January 2nd, 2019