Create weekly family activity night! Make it special by including something new or changing up the usual routine. Family activities are a great way to keep positive and socialize. These can be something to look forward to and plan for each week. Vote or take turns choosing the activity!
- Family walk or hike. Go somewhere new and take photos/sketch your favorite plants/animals.
- Mystery dinner night. Everyone is in charge of making a secret dish for dinner.
- Art night. Create a still life in the living room and everyone draws it at the same time.
- Board game night. Try out a new board game or change up a rule to make it different.
- Movie night. Decorate the house and make snacks to go with the theme of the movie.
- Video game night. Create a family tournament bracket and include other friends with Zoom.
- Fashion show. Pick a theme and everyone in the family can walk the runway with their crazy or cool outfits.
- Exercise together. Plan a night where the whole family does yoga, Zumba, or learn a TikTok dance.
- Baking day. Make a dessert or bread that you’ve never made before.
- Give back. Create postcards or letters for those that you love and cannot see right now.
- Make up your own!
Mr. Stewart
School Psychologist