Important Parent Information
1. Our Parade - The parade will travel within school boundaries and will not enter dead end streets or circles. We have placed a link to our boundary map on our school website main page. We expect the parade to take 1 ½ - 2 hours to complete. We will start at Hayden Peak and go to the neighborhoods in the northern part of our school boundaries. We will then head south back towards New Bingham Hwy and the neighborhoods in those areas. From there we will travel to the neighborhoods south of the school, followed by the neighborhoods in the west of our boundaries. If you live outside of our boundaries, we will drive through the church parking lots located at 8176 S. 5140 W. and at 5156 W. Clay Hollow Avenue as an option for those who live outside of the boundaries and would like to park and wave at us.
2. Teachers - Unfortunately not all of our teachers will be able to participate in the parade. Teachers should be letting their students know if they will not be able to attend.
3. Police Department - The West Jordan City Police Department will be joining us and leading us in our parade. They will clear paths for our parade so we can keep it running as smoothly as possible. Thank you to them!!!! Listen for their sirens announcing our arrival in your area!
To stay safe please:
• Avoid congregating in groups
• Stay on porches, lawns, or balconies
• Remember to social distance and wear a mask when appropriate
You may want to:
• Hold up signs, wave, clap, yell, or dance to say hello
• Dress up or wear pajamas