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Create weekly family activity night! Make it special by including something new or changing up the usual routine. Family activities are a great way to keep positive and socialize. These can be something to look forward to and plan for each week. Vote or take turns choosing the activity! 


  • Family walk or hike. Go somewhere new and take photos/sketch your favorite plants/animals. 
  • Mystery dinner night. Everyone is in charge of making a secret dish for dinner. 
  • Art night. Create a still life in the living room and everyone draws it at the same time.
  • Board game night. Try out a new board game or change up a rule to make it different. 
  • Movie night. Decorate the house and make snacks to go with the theme of the movie. 
  • Video game night. Create a family tournament bracket and include other friends with Zoom. 
  • Fashion show. Pick a theme and everyone in the family can walk the runway with their crazy or cool outfits. 
  • Exercise together. Plan a night where the whole family does yoga, Zumba, or learn a TikTok dance. 
  • Baking day. Make a dessert or bread that you’ve never made before.
  • Give back. Create postcards or letters for those that you love and cannot see right now. 
  • Make up your own! 

Mr. Stewart
School Psychologist


I hope that everyone has started to adjust to the new and temporary changes in our lives. This is a stressful and challenging time for all of us but there’s also room for growth. Hayden Peak now has a Health & Wellness webpage for families and students to use for their own personal health and wellness! 

Our district’s Health and Wellness page has compiled a list of resources and ideas to use during this difficult and stressful time. I have included some of resources on our webpage but please access their page for more information. Hayden Peak’s page will be updated every week with additional ideas and activities for your family to use at home, so keep checking in!

Additionally, please email me at if you have any specific questions or would like an online counseling session for your child. 

Thank you!

Health & Wellness at Hayden Peak

Health & Wellness Resources at