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Hayden Peak Families,

Just a quick reminder that Spring Break is next week.  There will be no school on Monday as it is a grade transmittal day. Tuesday through Friday will be Spring Break.

We hope you all have an enjoyable break and look forward to seeing students back to school on April 1st!

Familias de Hayden Peak,

Sólo un breve recordatorio de que las vacaciones de primavera son la próxima semana. El lunes es un día de transmisión de calificaciones por lo que no habrá clases. De martes a viernes serán las vacaciones de primavera. ¡Esperamos que todos tengan un descanso agradable y esperamos ver a los estudiantes regresar a la escuela el 1 de abril!

Welcome back everyone!
We are excited to have everyone back to school next week!  If you have not done so, please complete your annual registration in Skyward by this Friday.  If you have moved and will not be attending Hayden Peak please call the office to withdraw your student.  Listed below are a few reminders to make a note of.

Back to School Night - Monday, August 21 - 5:30pm to 7pm

This is an open house style evening.  Come anytime between 5:30 and 7pm to visit your new classroom and meet your new teacher.

1st Day of School - August 22, 2023

School Hours:

    • 8:25 to 3:05 Monday - Thursday
    • 8:25 to 12:25 Fridays(Early Out)
    • Students line up outside their grade-level doors
    • The line-up bell rings at 8:22


Kindergarten's first day will be August 30th.  Please watch your email for information regarding the Beginning of Year testing that takes place from August 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th.

Breakfast & Lunch

Breakfast served from 7:45 am until 8:15 am

Prices for breakfast and lunch have gone up this year.  The new prices are:

Breakfast: $1.05
Lunch: $2.00

You can pay for breakfast and lunches by sending money into the office or paying online in Skyward.  Here is a link to the instructions to help you through that process. Family Access-Lunch & Fee Payments

Supplies Needed:

All supplies needed in the classroom will be provided by the teacher.  The teachers may have a wishlist for items that could be donated for classroom use.  The only items that the students need to start school are listed below:

    • Full-sized backpack (no wheels)
    • Water bottle - only water
    • All other supplies are provided by the teacher.


If your student will not be at school, you can call the school and leave a message on our Attendance line.  The Attendance line is available 24 hours a day so you can call anytime to leave the absence information.

School Phone number:  801-280-0722

Attendance line - press #1
Leave absences or tardy information

Follow us

Be sure to like us on Facebook & Instagram

Facebook - @haydenpeakhawks
Instagram - @haydenpeakelementary

School Website

All announcements can be found on our school website at

¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a todos!
¡Estamos emocionados de que todos regresen a la escuela la próxima semana! Si aún no lo ha hecho, complete su registro anual en Skyward antes de este viernes. Si se ha mudado y no asistirá a Hayden Peak, llame a la oficina para retirar a su estudiante. A continuación se enumeran algunos recordatorios para tomar nota.

Noche de Regreso a la Escuela - Lunes, 21 de Agosto - 5:30pm a 7pm

Esta es una noche de estilo de casa abierta. Venga en cualquier momento entre las 5:30 y las 7:00 p. m. para visitar su nuevo salón de clases y conocer a su nuevo maestro.

1er día de clases - 22 de agosto de 2023

Horas de escuela:

  • 8:25 a 3:05 Lunes - Jueves
  • 8:25 a 12:25 Viernes (Salida Temprano)
  • Los estudiantes hacen fila afuera de las puertas de su nivel de grado
  • La campana de alineación suena a las 8:22

Jardín de infancia

El primer día de kindergarten será el 30 de agosto. Por favor, mire su correo electrónico para obtener información. con respecto a Principio de año pruebas que se llevarán a cabo los días 22, 23, 24 y 25 de agosto.

Desayuno almuerzo

Desayuno servido de 7:45 am a 8:15 am

Los precios del desayuno y el almuerzo han subido este año. Los nuevos precios son:

Desayuno: $1.05
Almuerzo: $2.00

Puede pagar el desayuno y el almuerzo enviando dinero a la oficina o pagando en línea en Skyward. Aquí hay un enlace a las instrucciones para ayudarlo a través de ese proceso. Family Access-Almuerzo y pago de cuotas.pdf

Suministros necesarios:

Todos los útiles necesarios en el salón de clases serán provistos por el maestro. Los maestros pueden tener una lista de deseos de artículos que podrían donarse para uso en el salón de clases. Los únicos elementos que los estudiantes necesitan para comenzar la escuela se enumeran a continuación:

  • Mochila de tamaño completo (sin ruedas)
  • Botella de agua - solo agua
  • Todos los demás materiales son proporcionados por el maestro.


Si su estudiante no estará en la escuela, puede llamar a la escuela y dejar un mensaje en nuestra línea de asistencia. La línea de asistencia está disponible las 24 horas del día, por lo que puede llamar en cualquier momento para dejar la información de la ausencia.

Número de teléfono de la escuela: 801-280-0722

Línea de asistencia - presione #1
Dejar información sobre ausencias o tardanzas


Asegúrese de darnos Me gusta en Facebook e Instagram

Facebook - @haydenpeakhawks
Instagram - @haydenpeakelementary

Sitio web de la escuela

Todos los anuncios se pueden encontrar en el sitio web de nuestra escuela en

(This information comes from the Jordan District website)

Dear Students, Staff and Patrons,

Snow is impacting the morning commute today with slippery conditions on roadways.

If an individual bus is going to be delayed, you will receive an alert.

Please know that parents may decide to keep children home due to adverse weather conditions. Schools understand and respect this decision and will work with families.

We urge caution on all roadways and sidewalks. We urge everyone to please allow extra time necessary for safe travel.

Also, be aware of slippery conditions while walking on school grounds, in parking lots, sidewalks and other walkways around our schools.

The safety of students, teachers and staff, as well as members of the community, is very important to us.

Full Emergency Communications & Snow Closure Guidelines can be found at

Estimados estudiantes, personal y patrocinadores,

La nieve está afectando el viaje matutino de hoy con condiciones resbaladizas en las carreteras.

Si un autobús individual va a retrasarse, recibirá una alerta.

Tenga en cuenta que los padres pueden decidir mantener a los niños en casa debido a condiciones climáticas adversas. Las escuelas entienden y respetan esta decisión y trabajarán con las familias.

Instamos a la precaución en todas las carreteras y aceras. Instamos a todos a permitir el tiempo adicional necesario para un viaje seguro.

Además, tenga en cuenta las condiciones resbaladizas al caminar por los terrenos de la escuela, los estacionamientos, las aceras y otras aceras alrededor de nuestras escuelas.

La seguridad de los estudiantes, maestros y personal, así como de los miembros de la comunidad, es muy importante para nosotros.

Las pautas completas de comunicaciones de emergencia y cierre de nieve se pueden encontrar en


Tuesday, November 22nd is an early release day.  Students in grades 1 through 6 will be dismissed at 12:25.

AM Kindergarten will dismiss at 10:15

PM Kindergarten will dismiss at 12:25

There will be no school from Wednesday, 11/23 through Friday, 11/25.

We hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving Recess.

Hayden Peak Families,

Mark your calendars for the following events:

10/5 Wednesday

Conferences:  4pm - 7:30pm  Please set-up your appointment in Skyward

Say Boo to the Flu Clinic - October 5th , 2022, from 4:00 PM-7:00 PM

Dads & Donuts:  7:30 - 8:20am - Dads, Moms, Grandparents, etc. can come enjoy a light breakfast with your student

10/6 Thursday

PTA Art Reflections Contest - Entries are due today!

Walk to School Day! - Get a treat when you walk to school!

Early Release:  Students will be released at 12:25, just like our Friday schedule.

Conferences:  Start at 1:00pm - Please schedule your appointment

Say Boo to the Flu Clinic - October 6th , 2022, from 2:00 PM-6:00 PM


Hayden Peak Families,

Starting August 3rd, you can log-in to Skyward and complete the annual registration paperwork.  Once that is complete you will be able to see your student's teacher assignment.  Please complete this information as soon as possible.

New Families: Please review and complete the registration as well.  Please bring your registration documents like birth certificates, immunization, and proof of residency to the office as soon as possible to complete your student's enrollment at Hayden Peak.

Back to School Night will be on August 17th from 5:30 until 7:00pm.  Come and meet your teacher and find your classroom!

Turn off TV-Screen Free Week 4-22

Turn Off the TV & Screen Free Week is so that we can look the role that TV/screens play in our daily lives as an entertainer, pacifier, babysitter, time filler and background noise.

Television & screens are generally a passive "non-activity" which often detracts from more healthy, interpersonal, productive, rewarding and community-oriented activities.

Turn Off the TV & Screen Free Week is about having more fun outside of screens and turning "on" your life. It's an opportunity to rediscover the wide range of activities that exist when one unplugs from the sedentary, image-based, simplistic and commercial world of television, computers, and other electronic devices.

During this week we would like to encourage you to turn off your TV & screens.

If your student would like to participate, have them watch less TV & have less screen time this week.  Ideally, we would encourage them to turn off the TV & screens completely.  If they do turn off the TV & screens (or watch at least 50% less than normal for that child), have them bring the signed pledge back to school by Monday, May 2nd .

Thank You – Hayden Peak PTA, Family Life Commission