Category: School News
No School on January 17th & 18th
Just a quick reminder that there will be no school on Monday and Tuesday, January 17th & 18th for Martin Luther King day and Grade Transmittal day.
December Events at Hayden Peak
Christmas Spirit Week - Dec. 13th - 17th
Show your school and Christmas spirit! It is not required to participate. It is just a fun way to show your school and Christmas spirit!
Wear Christmas Colors (Red, Green)
Wear a Santa Hat or Christmas Socks
Wear Plaid/Flannel
Wear Christmas Sweaters
Christmas PJ Day (or any PJs)
Flex Friday – November 19th
Hayden Peak Elementary Flexible Friday - November 19, 2021
Elementary Flexible Friday PDF
(as per Jordan School District Flexible Friday expectations - see below)
• Attendance is optional on Flex Friday, but students may have new assignments that day, or continue assignments already assigned. Each grade level will send home a short checklist of items to be completed this day. (See Jordan School District Flexible Friday expectations listed below.)
• Teachers will be available by appointment to students on Flex Friday as follows:
Over Zoom 9:30 am – 11:30 am (by appointment)
In-Person at school 11:30 am – 12:25 pm (by appointment)
• A grab-and-go lunch is available to in-person students as they leave at 12:25 pm. For students who did not come to school, a grab and go lunch is also available to them at the lunchroom door at 12:00 pm.
• Crossing Guards on city streets will only be out at their normal Friday times. That is approx. 8-8:35 am and 12:20 – 12:45 pm. Please note that if your child walks to school to meet in-person the city crossing guards will not be out and available.
• The format of our Flexible Friday on February 11, 2021 may be different based on how our November Flexible Friday goes. More information will come as we get closer to February.
Jordan District Flexible Friday Expectations
● Principals may structure Flexible Friday schedules to meet school needs.
● Schedules will be based on consistent building blocks: 3 hours student engagement, PLC time (if not held Monday - Thursday), regular Friday contract and prep time, grab and go lunch.
● Exact schedules and expectations will vary by school.
● On Flexible Friday, students should all have something they are working on.
● Teachers can give new assignments on Flexible Friday, or can ask students to continue work from the week.
● Students cannot be required to attend in person on Flexible Fridays, but teachers and teams may make arrangements with parents for individuals or small groups of students to attend scheduled in-person instructional activities.
● It is not expected that students meet with teachers synchronously throughout the day.
● Time will be set aside for collaboration/planning, teacher-initiated student interaction, and teacher availability.
● Teachers can set up live or recorded video interactions with students on Flexible Fridays.
November Events at Hayden Peak
Mark your calendars for these events happening in November here at Hayden Peak:
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - November 10th & 11th
- Please schedule your time as soon as possible in Skyward - See the attached letter with instructions
- Parent-Teacher Conference Instructions
- Dads & Donuts - Wednesday, November 10th at 7:30 - 8:20am
- Book Fair - Wednesday & Thursday
- Wednesday - 7:30 - 8:30 & 3:05 until 7pm
- Thursday - 1:30 - until 7:30pm
- BOO to the Flu - Flu Shot Clinic - We
- Wednesday, November 10th: 3:30pm - 7:00pm
- Thursday, November 11th: 3:30pm - 6:00pm
- Early Release on Thursday, November 11th:
- Grades 1st - 6th dismissed at 12:25
- AM Kindergarten - 8:25 - 10:20
- PM Kindergarten - 10:30 - 12:25
- Teacher Comp Day - No School - Friday, November 12th
- Early Release for Thanksgiving Break on Tuesday, November 23rd
- Grades 1st - 6th dismissed at 12:25
- AM Kindergarten - 8:25 - 10:20
- PM Kindergarten - 10:30 - 12:25
- Thanksgiving Break - No School on November 24th, 25th, and 26th
Red Ribbon Week – Oct. 25th – 29th
"Drug Free Looks Like Me!"
October 25th - October 29th
Monday - Wear red to kick off the Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday - "Use Your Head Don’t Do Drugs!" - Wear your crazy hats
Wednesday - "Give Drugs the Boot" - Wear your favorite boots
Thursday - "Our School is Drug Free" - Wear your school spirit wear or school colors
Friday - “Scare Away Drugs” - Wear your Halloween Costume
October Newsletter
Dear Hayden Peak Families,
Happy October! It’s a beautiful season, one that is especially fun at school. Our students are working hard in every grade and subject. Here are some things you might like to know:
This week is Green Ribbon Week, sponsored by PTA, to highlight student safety. As part of the week, students are invited to walk to school on Wednesday, October 6. Because we are already a walking school, this day highlights our safety rules and safe walking routes, and students who walk will receive a treat as they get to school. Each day this week students are invited to dress for school spirit. Monday = sports attire, Tuesday = crazy hair, Wednesday = bright or neon colors, Thursday = crazy socks, and Friday = pajamas. Let’s all be safe!
In literacy, our students are learning in a new way for thirty minutes of their day. Called “Walk to Read,” all students in grades K-6 are given a short literacy assessment to determine exactly what they need to know next to become mature readers. From earliest skills (like knowing the different sounds in a simple word) to advanced comprehension and writing, students work in groups of five or more with teachers and reading assistants to learn these skills in three-week cycles. At other times of the day, classes work as a whole to continue learning phonics skills, practicing more than they have done in recent years. Older grades work on advanced phonics with multi-syllabic words while younger grades work on foundational skills. These new programs are shown to effectively improve reading skills for all children.
Speaking of academics, elementary schools are now on a quarter system (instead of trimester), and the first quarter ends October 15th. Teachers will have progress reports ready for you at parent teacher conferences November 10th and 11th.
Just after first quarter ends, we break for Fall Recess. There is no school for students from October 18th through the 22nd. Have a wonderful week off!
Halloween is coming up. We will celebrate at school on October 29th with parties in individual classrooms. Please contact teachers if you would like to help with your children’s parties. Our parade will be virtual again this year. Please email a picture of your children in costume to by October 25th, and we will have the parade ready to view in classrooms on the 29th.
In music and art, Mrs. Michaelis and Mrs. Foote are preparing for our Veteran’s Day program that will be held at 9 and 9:50 on Friday, November 5th, with half the classes performing at each assembly, in order to preserve more social distancing in the gym. We invite all veterans and their families to attend one of the assemblies. More information will be coming home soon letting you know which classes will be performing at each assembly, and giving more information for veterans. We are grateful for your service to the citizens of our country.
We are excited to celebrate student birthdays at school. Last year, we introduced a birthday cart that visited each classroom once a month to give small prizes to that month’s birthday children. It became something students requested to continue, so we will! We combine July with January, so every student gets a birthday recognition.
Please let us know how we can help your family’s experience at Hayden Peak be the best ever.
Kindest Regards,
Jennifer Fisher Cathryn Ford
Principal Assistant Principal
Green Ribbon Safety Week – Oct. 4th – 8th
Dear Parents, PTA safety letter 2021 Espanol
October 4-10 is GREEN RIBBON Week which focuses on safety awareness. Each day we will be focusing on a different area of safety. We also will have some different activities and prize drawings for those participating. Attached is a student and driver safety pledge. It comes with a green ribbon attached to it which your child can Ie onto their backpack or bike. Please read through the safety suggestIons on the flyer and have your child sign and return it. Each student that returns their signed pledge will be entered into a drawing for a new bicycle helmet! 5 helmets will be awarded and 20 other small prizes. Each day has a different theme, they are:
Monday, October 4 – Safety Focus: Stranger Danger and Playground Safety. Be a Team Player in safety – Wear Sports Attire
Tuesday, October 5 – Safety Focus: Seatbelts, Car Seats and Bike Helmets. Don’t Be Crazy, Be ProacIve about your Safety - Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday, October 6 – Safety Focus: Pedestrian Safety and Safe Walking Routes. Be Bright, Be Safe – Wear Bright or Neon Colors
Thursday, October 7 - Safety Focus: Home and Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness Sock it to Safety – Wear Crazy Socks
Friday, October 8 - Safety Focus: Internet Safety Don’t get sleepy about your Safety – Pajama Day
Also, National Walk to School day is Wednesday, October 6. All students walking to school that morning will receive a small prize. Remember to use safe walking routes and cross the street with the crossing guard. At Hayden Peak, safety is a priority. Please discuss the safety topics above with your children. Please follow all traffic rules around the school and always use crosswalks and sidewalks.
Just a friendly reminder that the drop-off lane in front of the school is intended for a quick exit from the passenger side of the vehicle. We have an aide helping to direct the flow of traffic. Please pull as far forward as possible before letting your child exit the car. If your child needs help getting out of the car or any other reason then please park in the parking lot and help your child safely get to the crossing guard. The parking lot is not meant to be an additional drop off zone. Thank you for your participation in helping keep our students safe!
Hayden Peak PTA
Picture Day is Coming!! Oct. 7th
Here a link to the order form for picture day coming next week on Thurs. October 7th! You can send your order with the student or you can pay online
Labor Day – No School Monday 9/6
Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, 9/6 for Labor Day! We will see you all on Tuesday! Have a safe and happy weekend!